Procrastination Tips

I procrastinate.

A lot.

Even now as I’m writing this, I’m putting off doing work. And just when I decided I was going to write this post, I started putting that off too. It’s really quite annoying. If, like me, you get into a bit of a cycle of procrastination, you’ll be glad to know that it is possible to break it. Yes, that’s right, you can get tasks done before the last minute. (I know, incredible right?) So here I have for you, a collection of ideas and tips to help you to beat procrastination.

The first stage to get over a lot of things, including procrastination, is to accept that it’s there. Yes, you are procrastinating, and so now you’re going to deal with it. Simple.

Now I find it really helpful to get in the mood for getting sh*t done. Put on some really upbeat, fast tunes, bounce around a bit, and just get yourself up and moving. If coffee’s your thing, have some of that too.

Organising yourself helps a lot too. Make a to do list where each task is small and manageable. If you have something bigger to do, break it up into sections which you can write on the to do list. Aim to make each task something that will take you 15-30 minutes, this way you can tick things off on a regular basis, but at the same time feel like you’ve actually achieved something worthwhile. The ticking off is a big part of this, as well as being able to see everything you have to do in one place, checking off another item on the list really does give you a sense of satisfaction, and helps to keep you motivated.

Take breaks, but not for too long. Giving yourself 10-20 minute breaks after every hour or so of tasks keeps you feeling fresh and ready for more. Make sure you don’t do anything involving during these breaks, take a walk or have a cup of tea instead of sitting down to watch TV or browsing the internet (these things get addictive, and all too many times I’ve sat down for 10 minutes… which ends up turning into an hour).

Properly reward yourself at the end of your work. When you finish your scheduled work for the day, or tick off all of your tasks on the to do list, give yourself more than just a pat on the back. Have a nice relaxing bath, watch your favourite tv show, order that dress you wanted, read that book… treat yourself to something you’ll really enjoy. But make sure you only do this after actually getting things done- otherwise the whole point of a reward is defeated.

So now I’ve given you all of my tips for beating procrastination, leave me some of yours too.

Thank you so so much for reading this you fantastical creatures,

Much love, S x


Winter sucks.

It really REALLY does. It’s cold, it’s damp and usually filled with sniffles, frost and throat sweets, so before succumbing to the pre-winter blues, try this; think, in your head, aloud or in writing of five things that make you happy. They can be places, things people do, random words… anything– make a note of these (mental or otherwise), and when you notice yourself slowly drifting into a sad mood, refer to them, deliberately think of each individual thing, and relive the feeling that you get after them happening. Trust me. It works. So without further ado, I present to you: Five things that make me happy.

1. Smelling the pages of a book. I’m not quite sure what it is about that particular smell, when you crack an old novel open and take a deep sniff, your nose pressed right up against the spine…. It’s just delicious. That musty, rich smell of yellowed pages… Or instead the smell of a new book, fresh and woody, there’s something really quite magical about it.

2. Taking off my bra. This one, I’m sure many people relate to.. but that feeling at the end of a day when you finally release yourself from wire bound imprisonment. It’s bloody amazing. If you wear a bra, I don’t need to say more. You know the exact feeling. If you don’t- I encourage you to try wearing one for the day and then taking it off, there’s no relief like it.

3. Tea. I know it’s a British cliché, but for me, a cup of tea is as good as a cuddle. A hearty hug in a mug. I’m not sure if that’s so much to do with the actual drink, so much as the fact that I was brought up with it. Tea has always been something I’ve been offered on a cold day, or during a stressful time and so now it is just known to me (as to many others) as a drink of strength.

4. Random acts of kindness. A couple of years ago, when I was just walking around my local area, a complete stranger came up to me and complimented me on my hair. She said it so thoughtfully and kindly that it really brightened up my day. Since then, if I see something I really like about another person, I tell them. I don’t care if it makes me look a little bit weird to the rest of the strangers around me (hence I try and do this complementing just before I get off a train or bus), but it feels great to return those random complements, and it’s just as lovely to recieve them too.

5. Doing my make-up. For me, it makes all the difference whether I’m made up or not, for me, I don’t quite feel dressed until I have that little bit of foundation and mascara on. It’s not for everyone, but I enjoy it, and looking at a new style I’ve tried gives me a bit of a lift, and a boost of confidence whether I’m going out or staying in.

Thank you so so much for reading this, you marvellous beings, and do feel free to comment and share some things that make you happy too.

Much love, S x